For a Leader in a hurry (what leader isn’t?)

Our executive coaching series picks up the pace for those already moving very fast to cover a lot of territory. 

They barely have time to ask themselves three critical questions…

    1. Why have an executive coach?
    2. What is the value to me?
    3. How do I select the right coach for me?

Why have an executive coach? Consider these possibilities:

  1. You have a challenging issue you are dealing with, and you’re looking for a resolution, such as:
    • You are overwhelmed with your workload
    • You are having difficulty dealing with someone, such as a partner/report/boss
    • You have a team that is not functioning at the level needed
    • You have an intractable problem
  2. You are seeking to develop yourself as a leader—your skill, ability, effectiveness, productivity. You aim to be a great leader.
  3. You want to surpass your own performance beyond anything you’ve ever done before.
  4. You would value someone to think and plan with, someone outside your company, outside the culture, who will listen—and who can provide objective, intelligent insight and thought-provoking dialogue for new perspectives and new thinking. A strategic confidante.
  5. You are in transition from one job to another or one company to another. You’d like to discuss and gain clarity on your next career move. You want to clarify your career path and make it happen.
  6. You’ve been stuck in some way about something and you want to get into effective action and deal with it.

How do you select the right coach for you?

Here is a quick guide to selecting an executive coach:

  1. Interview at least 2 candidates.
  2. If you have a referral from someone you know you can trust, that’s great! If not:
  3. Check your gut—do you like the person?
  4. Do they “get” you?
  5. Do you like their approach/method. Does it make sense?
  6. Is there a lack of B.S.: do they seem straightforward and honest, do they listen, do they stay on point?
  7. What is their track record? Do they talk about results or anecdotes and stories. You want results.
  8. What do they promise you? What can you count on them for? Ask them.

Like any great performer: an athlete, a dancer, a musician— and for a leader in a hurry— powerful coaching can immeasurably increase your performance.

If you’d like to interview me as one of your candidates, it would be my honor. And… remember to ask me about my approach called “Transformational Coaching” which is specifically designed to produce breakthroughs in your performance.

Ready to use this guide? Call me at ‭(310) 730-6355 to find out more about Executive Coaching for yourself.